Local Rules
Airport Slots for night operations
The Ministerial Decree of 21 January 2009 additionally imposes limitations on the number of airport slots that the coordinator is authorized to allocate during the night.
With exception for “exempted” slots:
The total number of airport slots (departures and arrivals) shall not exceed 16.000 slots per calendar year;
The total number of airport slots for departing flights shall not exceed 5.000 slots per calendar year.
Night period is from 23h00 LT until 05h59 LT runway time.
Night slots:
Departure from 22h45 LT until 05h40 LT (UTC winter 21h45-04h40 // UTC summer 20h45-03h40)
Arrival from 23h10 LT until 06h05 LT (UTC winter 22h10-05h05 // UTC summer 21h10-04h05)
Silent Nights
The Ministerial Decree of 06 April 2009 imposes periods with no airport slot to be allocated for take-off in the week-end nights as follows:
With exception for airport slots already allocated and for “exempted” slots, the coordinator of Brussels National Airport does not allocate airport slots for take-off in the following periods:
Local times
The night of Friday to Saturday between 1h and 6h;
The night of Saturday to Sunday between 0 h and 6 h;
The night of Sunday to Monday between 0 h and 6 h.
Sanctions (consolidated 26-06-2009)
A new Article 14a has been included in Chapter II of the Law of 27 June 1937 amending the law of 16 November 1919 on the regulation of air navigation:
"Art. 14a. § 1. Shall be punished with imprisonment from eight days to one year and a fine of one thousand to twenty thousand Euro or either of these penalties only:
An aircraft operator who operated a take-off or a landing at the coordinated airport of Brussels National without holding a valid airport slot;
An aircraft operator who operated intentionally a take-off or a landing at the coordinated airport of Brussels National between 23h00 and 05h59 without holding a valid airport night slot;
An aircraft operator who operated intentionally and repeatedly a take-off or a landing at the coordinated airport of Brussels National at a schedule significantly different from the allocated slot or used slots in a significantly different way from that indicated at the time of allocation where this causes prejudice to the airport or the air traffic operations.”
Noise Restrictions
The Article from the Belgian Official Gazette is attached here. This Article is for the moment only available in Dutch and French. For more info please contact the appropriate authority.
The following table gives a schematic overview of the new noise restrictions.
These restrictions are based on Quota Counts (QC), which are calculated on aircraft take-off, approach and sideline noise performance certificates.

Exceptions have to be applied for to the General Director of the Belgian CAA at least two weeks before the operations.
In special cases justification has to be sent to the Belgian CAA.
The filled out "application document" has to be sent to the BCAA within two days after the operation.